Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why is water so prevalent in these creation myths? What does it say about the societies that created them? What natural elements may have influenced this?

Water plays a big role in these creation myths because the ancient people wanted to try to base thier religion on the water and people and what was going to happend around thier community. The Greek, Egyptian, and Sumerian civilizations all worshiped around as many bodies of water as they could possibled get around which meant they could live and thrive. Theses Creation myths showed how the ancient people viewed water in a certian way as a sacrid source of thier life. So pretty much the water resumbles a mystical soure of life and power. Some of the Goegraphical examples or explanations would be a form of religon to a part or extent in a certian area of space on earth but with so little water it is not quite a suprise for all the civilations that have similar or differentces.

1 comment:

  1. especially clean water. That's the real issue even today. These civilizations needed running water in order to nourish their people...
