Sunday, October 10, 2010

Question 1

I believe that water was a prevalent force in these myths mainly out of its importance in ancient times. Most, if not all civilizations were centered around a body of water, and the scarcity and importance of water was a major factor in their lives. Water, being necessary for the survival of a species, had almost a mythical significance to the people of ancient times. Water was always important, and despite its life-giving properties, was also often a source of major destruction and havoc. Water was almost a god in itself to many cultures, as it could easily smite them, or just as simply bless them with bounty. Water appears in these myths because it is a major theological force to the cultures who write them. water, to ancient cultures is a god within itself, and it is from this idea of water as a god where many of the gods and monsters of the sea appear.

1 comment:

  1. So true. Why do you think these cultures set up flood narratives if water was so needed? DId it reflect the capriciousness of their Gods?
