Monday, October 18, 2010

Taylor's POTS post

In the novel, Parable of the Sower what they talk about isnt only a posibility but a probability. I couldnt imagine it going to such an extent where I live, but in places where they're already having a hard time it is definitely probable.

In the book there was a disaster because of a drug. In the real world it will be because of the markert crashing. People will be so desparate for: money,food,shelter and safty they will do almost anything to get it.What I dont think is goig to happen is cops not caring about the job and taking bribes. I think people who have there jobs left will do them to the best of there abilty because they don't want to lose them.

In conclution, Parable of the Sower is a book about the future. I think in the real world we need to do something befor this happens. We're educated and know its comeing, unlike in POS it just hit them.

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