Monday, August 30, 2010

The life of Pi - Restrictions

When Pi was a young child he was able to learn from the zoo that his father owned. He learned that animals had their own boundairies and he learned not to go over an animals comfort zone.

That knowledge helped him survive many months on a boat with a Bengal tiger. Pi was able to leave Richard Parker alone and keep out of the ferocious beast's way, that allowed Richard Parker to get used to Pi's presence. Once the tiger got used to a human, Pi made lots of noise and big gestures to show Richard Parker that he was the dominant male. Because Pi had worked with restriction of animals he was able to understand Richard Parker's boundaries.

Pi also faces many hard challenges when he is forced to go against his nature to survive. He must eat meat even though he is a vegetarian. However, being alone on this small ship made him free to question life, death and religion. Pi no longer had any restrictions, even though he was physically captive in a small area he was able to let his mind wonder over the vast seas.

Pi learned that to know your restrictions helps you learn and observe your freedom.

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