Monday, August 30, 2010

First, I think that restriction is something that we in our mind create for ourselves. There are many stories of animals allowed out of their cages (by doors being left open ex) but choose to stay in their cages because it is their home. The animals do not consider them selves restricted. We can choose to consider ourselves restricted or free. So in that way, one could say that pi was never really restricted. If he had considered the life boat as his home ( as he eventually does) he would not have thought he was caged in. However one can not argue with the fact that pi was physically limited to the life boat. This could be liberating mentally because he is finally given time to think. As an effect pi's beliefs do change.

Also, in pi's youth his parents did not allowed him near Richard Parker. It makes sense, what father would want his son near a 400-pound tiger. However, on the life boat pi is free to interact with Richard Parker as he pleased. One could argue that being forced with Richard Parker was just another restriction but i don't think pi viewed it that way. In fact, pi says that he would not have survived with out Richard Parker. Witch brings me back to my earlier point that restriction and freedom change based on how one looks at it.

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