Thursday, August 26, 2010

Restriction can be liberating in Life of Pi because of the sudden change that Pi experiences. Pi had a fairly free and stable life before his whole world was turned upside down. The boat sank and he was stuck on a life boat with a tiger and could do nothing about it, he was restricted. During this time he had more time to reflect about his life and to accept new ideas. Restriction can liberating because it gives one time to pause, be still, and think of things differently. This could lead to redefining what one believes.


  1. That's really good! I haven't thought about it that way, i mean i understood that being restricted could give you time to reflect and think, but i didn't consider the fact that it's the thinking part that's liberating.

  2. I agree - there are many poems written about this exact idea; think about how the loss of physical freedom can allow you to do the same.
