Saturday, August 28, 2010

Life of PI

By Pi being restricted from his living space, his familly and his religion through out this novel he changed. First he was resticted from his religion. He was told multiple times by multiple people he could not be a Christian, Hindu, muslim boy. But he was. That is what he realized, and this was a liberating experience for him. He found freedom in being able to choose his own beliefs and being supported by his parents.

Pi was resticted from his family by being stranded on a life boat with a 400 pound bangle tiger. Because his family wasnt on the boat to tell him what to do he learned more about him self. For example, his mother was a strict vegiterian and i think if she was on the baot with him he would never be able to kill a fish or turtle, even to save his life. when he killed that first flying fish it was liberating to him . he was forsed to kill another animal to save him self he felt like a "savage" but had to, to servive and he knew sevival had to come fisrt.

He was also resticted from not only his house but also was was restricted from the actual life boat. He stayed of a raft he made himself because of the fear he had from Richard Parker. He servived on the raft, but also knew he could not servive on it forever. He knew that the life boat was a much safer place. When Pi decided to train Richard Parker he felt liberated to make a choise for servival and he did not give up on that decision even when Richared Parked tried to attack him. By the end of the book he was the "alfamale" and was no longer scared of Richard Parker.


  1. when i wrote this i accidently wrote it in white... so its invisable. if you highlight it as if you were going to copy it, you will be able to see it. sorry for the mistake.
    p.s. mr.wynn email me if you cant see it.

  2. wow Taylor. You have three very distinct (and well-voiced) thoughts here. You use cogent examples and utilize them effectively in order to support your points. I'm excited to hear you voice these opinions in class.
