Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Life of Pi: How can restrictions be liberating?
In Pi's case, the restrictions are drastic. He was in the middle of the pacific ocean, on a lifeboat with a huge tiger and limited supplies for more than 200 days. Because of Pi's restrictions, he had to liberate his mind of the struggles of society and focus on surviving. He didn't have people to tell him to choose a god. Pi had enough restrictions that he had the opportunity to be free. He could pray to whoever he wanted whenever he wanted with out society or a person clinging to his back and dragging him down all the time.
Pi had to find out a way to liberate himself from the restrictions of Richard Parker(the tiger). With the small amount of resources he had and his mind he started training the tiger and he also made a raft to liberate himself the dangers of the tiger. Being trapped on the lifeboat let Pi pray to whoever he wanted.Because of Pi's restrictions, he learned more about himself, about animals, and the ocean. Restrictions can be liberating, mentally and physically.
Life of Pi
Restrictions in Life of Pi can be liberating because when Pi was in the boat with Richard parker he decided that he needed to stay away from him to stay alive, Because of this he built the other, smaller life boat and let it trail along behind the bigger life boat. This later came to save his life because it added anchor to the life boat making it so that it went the same direction as the waves. This restriction also allowed for Pi to look at Richard Parker from a distance, allowing him to later establish his territory and figure out ways to tame him.
The time Pi's father showed him the tiger being fed the goat also acted as another restriction to Pi. This added a greater sense of caution and fear when looking and interacting with the tiger later in the book made Pi liberated from the constant danger by being more cautious when taming Richard parker which then led him to surviving throughout the book.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Pi and Richard Parker
When Pi is out on sea he is stuck on the life boat with the Richard Parker. And Pi feels trapped so every day he prays one to three times a day. Praying helps pi forget his emotions about losing his family and having hope of surviving. I think even though Pi is scared of Richard Parker he feels that the tiger is helping him with his emotions and of being lonesome and trapped on the life boat. Pi having to spend time on the life boat gave him time to pray and helped him find a few moments to forget his worries and go to a place in his mind were he could be free.

How Can Restrictions be Liberating?
Life Of Pi
The life of Pi - Restrictions
That knowledge helped him survive many months on a boat with a Bengal tiger. Pi was able to leave Richard Parker alone and keep out of the ferocious beast's way, that allowed Richard Parker to get used to Pi's presence. Once the tiger got used to a human, Pi made lots of noise and big gestures to show Richard Parker that he was the dominant male. Because Pi had worked with restriction of animals he was able to understand Richard Parker's boundaries.
Pi also faces many hard challenges when he is forced to go against his nature to survive. He must eat meat even though he is a vegetarian. However, being alone on this small ship made him free to question life, death and religion. Pi no longer had any restrictions, even though he was physically captive in a small area he was able to let his mind wonder over the vast seas.
Pi learned that to know your restrictions helps you learn and observe your freedom.
Life of Pi
Pi created a life raft so that way he could have more freedom,because while he was on the lifeboat he had about 12-15 feet of space because the rest of it was Richard Parker's area. And to increase the size of his space he made the raft. But eventually he started thinking "well if I'm going to share the same area with this tiger, then i may as well show him that I'm the alpha male. Then maybe I'll get some more space." So Pi took the whistle he found in the locker that he found, in an attempt to increase his restriction on the raft and boat. So eventually by doing this enough he train Richard Parker to allow him to stay and move a bit more around the boat without growling as much at Pi for intruding on his already small space.
The only way that Pi had made it so that he could have more space with the whistle trick is that he had remembered while he was at the zoo he had helped his father train these animals and he had lived with them. And while in the zoo the animals felt secure and not as frightened of what was going to happen to them or frightened of the outside world. But once outside demonstrated by all of the animals, they started doing things that they had been born to be.
So it shows us that the more restriction that we have, the better we feel, the less we have, the more insecure we start feeling about actual life, or a life that involves us living otuside of our parents care.
I think that the fact that Pi is exposed to so many ways of life in the zoo, through each kind of animal, he grew to realize that he should have a way of life. He also realized that everyone was different. So why should he just choose one way of life to follow? Why not explore many ways of life, and create one of his own? I think he realized that even if someone is captive physically, they can still shape how they react, live and think. So he thought that even though he isn’t captive physically, why be captive mentally? Then when he finds himself physically captive, he knows how to protect himself from becoming mentally captive, and chooses to not allow his mind to be seized by really pondering what he has learned throughout his life in the zoo and religious studies.
Pi lifeboat
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Life of Pi
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Life of Pi
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Life of PI
Pi was resticted from his family by being stranded on a life boat with a 400 pound bangle tiger. Because his family wasnt on the boat to tell him what to do he learned more about him self. For example, his mother was a strict vegiterian and i think if she was on the baot with him he would never be able to kill a fish or turtle, even to save his life. when he killed that first flying fish it was liberating to him . he was forsed to kill another animal to save him self he felt like a "savage" but had to, to servive and he knew sevival had to come fisrt.
He was also resticted from not only his house but also was was restricted from the actual life boat. He stayed of a raft he made himself because of the fear he had from Richard Parker. He servived on the raft, but also knew he could not servive on it forever. He knew that the life boat was a much safer place. When Pi decided to train Richard Parker he felt liberated to make a choise for servival and he did not give up on that decision even when Richared Parked tried to attack him. By the end of the book he was the "alfamale" and was no longer scared of Richard Parker.
Life of Pi
Thursday, August 26, 2010
So in the end i think that restriction is just a word for being free but in your own space.
In the zoo, Pi's father's rules and lessons, such as the tiger/goat incident, seemed harsh. However, they helped Pi be much more cautious of Richard Parker later in the book, probably saving his life in the long run.