When we first meet Telemachus his mother is being courted by suitors looking for the crown of Ithaca. He seems to have enough senses about him to not like this. Unfortunately his fix to this situation is to go to the tows folk and say "I am not strong enough to get them out of my house help me if I were my dad they would be dead" then he tells the suitors "leave now because if my dad shows up, he will kill you and if he doesn't then Zeus will punish you". as expected the suitors laugh and taunt him for this and the towns people don't help. This shows a very childish side of Telemachus. As plan b Telemachus decides to and set sail to find his father to kick the suitors out. This plan shows both a childish and a very manly side of him in that he still needs his father to solve his problem but he is enough of a man to formulate the idea (with Athena's help of course) but he still gets the credit for coming up with it and then executing it.To sum this rant up when Telemachus is at the Spartans temple he gets complemented for talking well beyond his years.
All of these thins show Telemachus changing from a boy into a man throughout the story. I expect we will see more evidence of this as we continue onward.
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